Well this bad boy has been taking a break for a reason, I just received my drawing tablet, AND IT IS EFFING gorgeous, Its a Gaomon Pd1161, Has support for pen pressure and so on, This thing is pretty great in its own. I have not tried it much yet, But this has pretty good reviews, So we start off with that.
But this is a huge change for me, I always complained about suffering with drawing with digital, But now I have the right tools for it, And I hope things go fun from there, Because this is amazing. Finally color and less messier lines here I come. Not sure about ditching paper tho we will see about that one.
I won't upload art instantly for now, I feel like I have yet to practice on my drawing tablet, I'm pretty new to this, So may as well get my self prepared.
In the other news. COLLEGE LIFE HERE I COME!
Finally done with my last year of school, As in I graduated, Its time for me to hit the college, Heard I'm going to have much more free time now, But who knows, Glad I can escape the chains of hell that is my school.
If your wondering where I am heading, I'm heading to computer science, And I'll be working on web development and game design. I also signed up for fine arts and concept design for the other 3.
But yeah guess here comes the college life, On october 2 I guess.
One more nes
June 9 is not that far, So may as well say this that my birthday is near, And I'm turning 19, I'm celebrating with family and a small group of friends of mine, And honestly, I wish I had supporter so I can hangout with you guys too. Honestly may as well hangout in the NG chat atleast in june 9, But yeah I'm turning 19.
Still these are some pretty good news of mine, And damnit, I swear, I'm going to put much more dedication onto my art, Practice more, And mess around more! Thank you all!
Yay, you finally got your drawing tablet!
I can show a picture of it hold on!